Day 1
0830-0850 Registration
0850-0900 Welcome and introduction- Nimesh N Patel
0900-0930 Applied anatomy and physiology- Kwame Amonoo-Kuofi
0930-1000 Pathology of the larynx- Karwan Moutasim
1000-1040 Patient assessment-airway, voice and swallowing – Chai Gadepalli
1040-1100 Coffee
1100-1140 Outpatient endoscopy and interventional techniques (including TNO and Blue LASER) Chad Al Yaghchi
1140-1210 Microlaryngoscopy and phonomicrosurgical techniques- Kostas Marinakis
1210-1240 Management of benign laryngeal conditions- Ed Abelardo
1240-1340 Lunch
1340-1420 Vocal fold immobility- management including injection and open techniques- Chad Al Yaghchi
1420-1500 LASER safety course – Carl Elias
1500-1530 CO2 LASER and laryngology- Nimesh N Patel
1530-1610 Laryngotracheal stenosis, management including endoscopic and open techniques- Chai Gadepalli
1610-1640 Microdebrider – papilloma and tumours – Fabian Sipaul
1640-1700 Discussion and preparation for hands on sessions on day 2
Day 2
0830-0900 registration
0900-1100 hands on session 1
1100-1120 coffee
1120-1300 hands on session 2
1300-1400 lunch
1400-1530 hands on session 3
1530-1550 coffee
1550-1720 hands on session 4
1720-1730 conclusion and certificates – Nimesh N Patel